Прием заказов на пармезан 

Дорогие покупатели! Мы рады сообщить вам о начале приема заказов на пармезан. Просим учесть, что выдача заказов состоится только в следующем году из-за большого срока созревания сыра. Но уже сейчас мы готовы уверить вас, что вы получите заказ непревзойденного качества по оптимальной цене. Продегустировать наш сыр вы можете, заказав бесплатную дегустацию на странице Контакты.
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Home delivery

Dear friends! We are pleased to announce that starting today we are receiving orders for home delivery. All deliveries will be made the next day (except weekends), because we want you to enjoy the fresh cheese. 

And a special surprise for all those who order today: you will receive a 20% discount on all our products. 

Don’t waste time, order now

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New supplier

Because we want to keep you informed about our activity, today we are pleased to announce that we have a new milk supplier that will help our cheese taste even better. The quality of our products is extremely important for us and this is why we are in constant pursuit of the best suppliers that can help us increase the taste and aroma of our cheese. 

And because we sustain the local economy, the new supplier is right around the corner! .

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Free tasting

We invite all cheese lovers to come and taste our products. The tasting will take place at our headquarters and the cheese will be accompanied by refined wines and fruits that will underline the taste and flavors of the cheese. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. We’ll be waiting for you!

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